Visit our stand at DSEI 2017 - 12th to 15th September (stand N3-110)
Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) is the world leading event that brings together the global defence and security sector to innovate and share knowledge.
Please visit Shrike Marine at stand N3-110.
We will have our latest Vehicle Electronic Power Management System on display (
Exhibition opening times:
Day One: Tuesday 12 September 2017 (Exhibition)0930 - 1700 (Registration from 0800)
Day Two: Wednesday 13 September 2017 (Exhibition)0930 - 1700 (Registration from 0800)
Day Three: Thursday 14 September 2017 (Exhibition)0930 - 1700 (Registration from 0800)
Day Four: Friday 15 September 2017 (Exhibition)0930 - 1600 (Registration from 0800)