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Harnessing & Cables

Shrike Marine manufactures hand made internal and
external cables and harnessing. All cables are application
specific and tailor made to customer requirements.


Shrike Marine's core values are based upon quality and our internal quality system.


All harness assemblies that are manufactured by Shrike Marine are manufacture to IPC-620WHMA standard, by qualified technicians. 


Shrike Marine’s internal processes are based on a manufacturing data pack and every cable leaving the premise is inspected via a rigourous quality inspection process.

Shrike Marine Cable Harness Manufacture Defence South Africa
Shrike Marine Cable Harness Manufacture South Africa Defence
Customer Specific


Whether the customer would like 1 cable or 10,000 cables, we are able to deliver.


Shrike Marine also offers clients a harness design service where our experts can assist you with the technical aspects in harness design.


We also offer repair and maintence services.



Automated Cable Testing​


For cable quantities of cables greater than 10, customers can request to have their cables tested on Shrike's cable tester. Cable testers are also available for purchase. More information can be found here.



Our cables are typically used in high quality and high end technology markets.


Shrike Marine's cables have been used in remote locations such as Alaska and the outback of Australia.



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